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  • Turkish Self-Care Products and How to Use Them

    Every morning we get up, go to the bathroom and look ourselves in the mirror. At times we are content with what we see, and other times we just don’t. Here are just two things to keep in mind: this is completely normal and everyone may feel this way from time to time. In fact, there is no ideal standard of beauty and when we feel like we are not looking great that day, we can simply step up our self-care game to feel better.

    Don’t forget that self-care starts with treating ourselves kindly. What we need to feel good are self-love and self-care. They are intertwined and connected with each other. For thousands of years, many Turkish women have been adding natural beauty products to their self-care routines to look and feel better. It’s possible to find a natural solution for everything in the Turkish cabinets. We gathered several fulfilling Turkish self-care products to kickstart your self-care routine. Let’s see some of these proven Turkish beauty tips and find out which ones are for you!

    Facial Tonik: Rose Water

    Being one of the main pieces of chic flower arrangements, roses also comes with plenty of potential health benefits concerning our skin health and appearance. Rose water gives the skin a soothing effect, reduces skin redness, blemishes and wrinkles, and helps cuts, burns, and scars heal faster. It is mostly sold in a spray-formed bottle which is easy to use. One of two puffs is enough to freshen you up on hot summer days. You can prefer using it anytime of the day or especially after a shower to moisturize your skin. After applying rose water to your face, an ice massage done with ice cubes will feel just like professional therapy. To avoid ice burn, make gentle movements and limit the ice massage therapy to about 5 minutes. You can also mix this fragrant rose water with moisturizers or use it on its own as a facial cleanser or toner.

    Bonus tip: Freeze rose water in the ice cube maker and apply it to your face to tighten your pores and make your skin look youthful.

    St. Jo Wort To Prevent Stretch Markshn’s

    Isn’t it a strange name for a yellow flower? Yet, when you check out the meaning, it makes sense. According to a rumour, during the crusades, the wounds of the knights of St. John were treated with this herb. St. John’s wort is mostly known for its benefits in terms of mental health but it has a number of skin therapeutic properties as well. Its oil calms dry and cracked skin, treats eczema and acne, repairs damaged skin and reduces the appearance of stretch marks. A totally magical plant, indeed!

    Natural Hair Dye: Henna

    If you are one of those who seek naturality, you can go for Turkish henna as an alternative to chemical hair dye. Henna that can give you richly-coloured auburn locks has both pros and cons. While it helps prevent dandruff, improves shine and strength, and can be a remedy for scalp issues, it may dry out hair and it is rather difficult to remove. To prevent dryness, you can mix henna powder with liquid containing essential oils. Results may vary in terms of colour intensity depending on your starting hair colour but let’s agree that all shades of red can look equally fabulous.

    Say No to Gray Hair with Turkish Bıttım Soap

    Look at peanuts from another perspective! Would a pistachio soap be delicious? We don’t recommend eating the soap (though you may have a hard time resisting its tempting smell), but for your hair, it can be delicious! Bıttım is a wild pistachio plant with brown shells that are widely cultivated in Southeaeastern Türkiye. Obtained from peanut oil, Bıttım soap eliminates hair greying due to ageing. With its nourishing and antiseptic properties, it helps promote hair health and growth. To see the impact better, use Bıttım soap by massaging your scalp and keep your hair away from chemical products.

    Sun-Bleached Hair with Chamomile Tea

    There are many benefits of chamomile as a natural treatment for hair. With a basic chamomile tea rinse, you can achieve healthier and stronger hair. In addition to that, chamomile can also effectively lighten your hair in a natural shade. To add a little sunshine to your hair, follow these steps. Cool down chamomile tea in hot water, and combine it with some lemon juice. Apply and leave the mixture on your strands and go out into the sun. Keep in mind, however, that you should not expect a dramatic hair change as it works most effectively in already light strands.

    Almond Oil for Hair Treatment

    This is a product usually encountered in the best skin care applications. And it is excellent for hair too! Here are some of the most noticeable benefits of almond oil: it helps repair hair damage, minimizes hair loss, and helps get rid of dandruff. Sure, everyone has peach fuzz on their face and almond oil may accidentally strengthen them as well, so use it carefully. Applying the oil on lashes right before sleeping makes them thicker, shinier, and longer. This can take a little time though, so repeat, repeat, and repeat.

    Turkish Mud from Dalyan Used as a Face or Body Mask

    The rumour has it, Cleopatra who is famous for her beauty and attraction had a mud bath in Dalyan, Antalya. This can be a myth but we choose to believe in it anyway and once you visit Dalyan you will believe in it too. And, why so, you may ask. Turkish mud is rich in minerals like sulfur, zinc, and magnesium. They are believed to have many positive effects on health and skin. Some mud baths are known to have healing effects on skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema. Along with its health benefits, mud baths are frequently used for cosmetic purposes as they are known to rejuvenate the skin, exfoliate dead skin cells, clean skin pores and tighten the skin. Even if you don't go to Dalyan, you can buy yourself a mud mask from Türkiye.

    Lavender Oil to Fight Acne and Blemishes

    Lavender is more than just a beautiful plant with its vibrant light purple colour. Its oil is used not only as an aromatic therapy but also used as a skincare product. The key to younger-looking skin is hydration. Especially if you have dry skin, you will love the nourishing and deeply moisturizing effects of lavender oil. Its regenerating, colour-balancing and antioxidant effects will provide a visible change in your skin in just a few days. Get a bottle of Turkish lavender oil, soothe your skin with the scent of lavender, and say hello to your new acne-free healthy skin!

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